
We are  now open for pitches  for ISSUE #5. This is the first time in over two years that mous has been open for submissions from the public and we are really excited to meet new voices and hear unique stories!

For the next two weeks we are accepting pitches ONLY, if you have a full piece written please send us a pitch rather than the finished article. Below are our content guidelines,  article types and how to pitch. 


We pay $50 for each piece successfully published. 

Closing Date 

We will be accepting pitches until 20/6/2018. 

Content Guidelines

We publish mid-long form journalism and literary journalism across five topic areas; Live, inform, design, create and fornicate. This could include anything from an interview with a furniture designer to an anecdotal piece about discovering your sexuality. Whatever you pitch us must be timeless (we do not publish fast news or hot takes), well researched ( this means interviews and reliable sources) and have a new angle.  

A quick note about the fornicate section: We accept pitches in this category about gender, sexuality, sex work and non-sensationalised articles about sexual experience. We DO NOT accept how to guides unless they are satirical and wildly hilarious. Please remember we are a pro-sex work publication.  

We actively encourage contributions from first nation’s people, members of the LGBTQIA community, sex workers, people from a diverse cultural or linguistic back ground and anyone else from a marginalised group.


Article Types & Word Counts

We publish four kinds of articles in our print edition. These are Q & A interviews, feature articles, anecdotal/ opinion pieces and photo stories.

Q & A interviews: These are articles with a short introduction and then a straight Q & A. Generally we'll try and have these based around a broader societal issue and will interview 3- 4 relevant sources. We try to use this article format when we are interviewing people from marginalised groups so we can give their voice a platform. These articles can be anywhere from 1500- 2500 words based on how many sources you have and how engaging their answers are.

Feature articles: These will be either a profile on a specific industry professional (designer, artist, architect, musician etc) or an article that explores a particular concept, idea or issue with a minimum of two sources. These can be 1500-2500 words but most tend to be approximately 1800 words.

Anecdotal/ opinion pieces: These are articles that have no interviews and are rather, based off your own experience or opinion. These are generally either pretty humorous or quite emotional or a mix of both. Their topic should be something that you as an individual are qualified to speak on. We only publish about two of these articles per print edition. These articles should be between 800-1500 words.

Photo stories: These consist of 10-15 photographs and a short 300-500 paragraph explaining the concept behind the images. These photographs should tell a story not just look good. Previously these have included photos from inside North Korea, photos from Cuba during trade-embargo and photos from inside prisons. 

How to pitch

Please send your pitches to bonnie@mousmagazine.com with the following information:
-    Your full name and a brief bio of your writing experience
-    An outline of  the concept of the article
-    What your angle will be
-    Who you will interview
-    What type of article it will be ( Q & A, Feature, Anecdotal or Photo)
-    What section if will fit into (live, inform, design, create or fornicate) 
-     Approximately how many words it will be
-    Why you are the best person to write this article