Panel Discussions
Proudly Supported by Metro Arts & bRUNSWICK Mechanics Institute
We are extremely excited to announce our August mous magazine INFORM panel discussions. Each month we will host a panel where industry professionals will answer questions and provide insight into their field.
This year, our panel discussions will take place in both Brisbane and Melbourne each month. This month we’ll be discussing different topics at our Brisbane and Melbourne panel.
Once again, our Brisbane panel discussions will be supported by our continuing partnership with the fantastic people at Metro Arts. This year, we are also very excited to announce a new partnership with Brunswick Mechanics Institute, which will be the home of our Melbourne panel discussions.
Brisbane Panel: Freelancing & Doing it yourself
This month our panel will be all about freelancing, self-publishing and working for yourself in the creative industries. Joining our panel will be professionals from different sectors of the creative industries including writing, editing, illustration, graphic design, fashion and photography. At this panel you can expect to gain insight into the world of freelancing, self-publishing and how to navigate the creative world both on your own and with collaborators.
Limited early bird tickets are on sale now, so head to Eventbrite to book your ticket!
melbourne panel: Getting published
This month our Melbourne panel will be all about how to have your work published in magazines and literary journals. At this panel we will be bringing together editors from prominent Melbourne based publications who will share what they love to see in a pitch or submission, mistakes for new writers to avoid and other must-have industry knowledge.
If you’re just getting started in your writing career, this panel is not to be missed!
Limited early bird tickets are on sale now, so head to Eventbrite to book your ticket.